IOLPS Campus

Higher Diploma in Psychological Counselling

Higher Diploma in Psychological Counselling

24 Months

Total Crtedits
90 Credits

Introduction to Psychology

Module Objective:
To become familiar with the theories concerning human behaviour in a social context.


  • Introducing psychology
  • Psychological science
  • Brains, bodies and behaviour
  • Sensing and perceiving
  • States of consciousness
  • Growing and developing
  • Learning
  • Remembering and judging
  • Intelligence and Language
  • Emotions and motivations
  • Personality
  • Defining psychological disorders
  • Treating psychological disorders
  • Psychology in our social lives


Development Psychology

Module Objective:
To describe, explain, and optimize human development.


  • Physical development.
  • Cognitive development.
  • Psychological development.


Cognitive Psychology

Module Objective:
To study how humans acquire and put to use the acquired knowledge and information mentally just like a
computer processor


  • Human perception
  • Attention
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Concept formation
  • Reasoning
  • Judgement
  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
  • Language processing


Research methods in Psychology

Module Objective:
To make predictions about future behaviours, and to explain the causes of behaviour.


  • Surveys
  • Case studies
  • Experimental studies
  • Content Anaylsis
  • Meta Analysis
  • Correlational research
  • Quasi-experiments
  • Naturalistic observation
  • Structured observation
  • Neuroimaging


English for Academic Purposes

Module Objective:
Help develop study skills in the following areas: interpreting information, understanding spoken and written
academic texts, identify relevant information, synthesizing information from listening and reading texts, and
recognizing points of view and bias.


  • Essay-writing.
  • Listening to lectures and taking notes.
  • Review of grammar and sentence structure.
  • Development of academic vocabulary.
  • Extensive critical reading.
  • Research and referencing skills.
  • Paraphrasing, summarizing and quoting.
  • Seminar presentations.
  • Group discussions.
  • IELTS preparation classes.



Module Objective:

The ability to create entrepreneurial opportunities through the invention, development and exploitation of
entirely new ideas, products and services, and/or the creation of new industries, infrastructures, and ways of
doing business.


  • Reflect on your desired impact on the world.
  • Start with means at hand.
  • Describe the idea today.
  • Calculate affordable loss.
  • Network and enrol others in your journey.
  • Reflect and be honest with yourself.


Abnormal Psychology

Module Objective:
Predict reliably, explain, diagnose, identify the causes of, and treat maladaptive behaviour.


  • Abnormal psychology: an overview.
  • Historical and contemporary views of abnormal behaviour.
  • Causal factors and viewpoints.
  • Clinical assessment and diagnosis.
  • Stress and physical and mental health.
  • Panic, anxiety, and their disorders.
  • Mood disorders and suicide.
  • Somatoform and dissociative disorders.


Principles of  Counselling

Module Objective:
To help the client to accept actual or impending changes that are resulting from stress.


  • Principle of acceptance.
  • Principle of communication.
  • Principle of non-judgmental attitude.
  • Principle of empathy.
  • Principle of confidentiality.
  • Principle of individuality.
  • Principle of non-emotional involvement.
  • Principle of purposeful expression of feelings.


Theories of Personality

Module Objective:
To identify what makes everyone so similar and so different at the same time.


  • Behavioural characteristics


Developing professional practice

Module Objective:
The effective implementation of skills and strategies that enhance knowledge and transfer of learning.


  • Planning and Preparation
  • Classroom environment
  • Instruction
  • Professional responsibilities


Social Psychology

Module Objective:
To understand cognition and behaviour as they naturally occur in a social context.


  • Personality
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Group behaviour


Introduction to Applied Psychology

Module Objective:
To produce professionals who can improve performance, strengthen group dynamics, and build strong client
relationships in any context.


  • Clinical Psychology
  • Counselling Services
  • Forensic Psychology


Ethics in Psychology

Module Objective:
Protect research participants from harm


  • Beneficence
  • No maleficence
  • Autonomy
  • Justice


Conflict Management

Module Objective:
To enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in an organizational


  • Collaborating
  • Competing
  • Avoiding
  • Accommodating
  • Compromising


Positive Psychology

Module Objective:
Encourage people to discover and nurture their character strengths.


  • Character Strengths
  • Optimism
  • Life Satisfaction
  • Happiness
  • Wellbeing
  • Gratitude
  • Compassion (as well as self-compassion)
  • Self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Hope and elevation


Brain and Behaviour

Module Objective:
Providing rapid publication of scientifically sound research across neurology, neuroscience, psychology and


Key Studies in Psychology

Module Objective:
To describe, explain, predict, and change or control behaviours.


  • Behaviourism
  • Cognitive
  • Constructivism
  • Humanism
  • Connectivism


Statistics in Psychology

Module Objective:
Allow psychologists to present data in ways that are easier to comprehend.


  • Collecting and analyzing data to discover patterns and trends
  • Study design
  • Sample group
  • Variables
  • Testing
  • Measurements
  • Research interpretations


Adult and Aging Psychology

Module Objective:
To introduce the psychology of adulthood and aging.


  • Continuity theory
  • Disengagement theory
  • Activity theory


Sensation and Perception

Module Objective:
Biological processes of sensation and how these can be combined to create perceptions.


  • Visual System
  • Auditory System
  • Gustation (taste)
  • Olfaction (smell)
  • Stimulation
  • Organization
  • Interpretation
  • Memory
  • Recall


English for Employment

Module Objective:
Helps you in understanding common business communications easily


Individual differences

Module Objective:
To identify the most general aspects underlying individuality and concept- utilize a theoretical classification
for predicting differences and similarities in human thought, emotionality, and behaviour.


  • Intelligence
  • Personality traits
  • Values


Clinical Psychology

Module Objective:
Assess a wide range of psychological problems at different levels of a system.


  • Adjustment issues and traumatic stress reactions.
  • Emotional and psychological problems, including serious mental illness and crisis intervention.


Psychology of Learning

Module Objective:
To help the teacher in understanding the human nature.

Theory and research derived from different types of learning, including classical conditioning, operant
conditioning, and observational learning


Psychology, Testing and Measurement

Module Objective:
To better understand a person’s strengths and weaknesses, identify potential problems with cognitions,
emotional reactivity, and make recommendations for treatment/remediation.

Information about a person’s medical history, their family history, and the current status of their mental


Human Sexuality

Module Objective:
To equip [people] with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will empower them to: realize their
health, well-being and dignity.


  • Human Development
  • Sexual Health
  • Relationships and Emotions
  • Sexual Behaviour
  • Sexual Violence


Human Resource Psychology

Module Objective:
Accomplishing organizational goals, work culture, training and development, employee motivation,
empowering employees, and team coordination.


  • Recruitment
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Training and development
  • Employee relations


Cross Cultural Psychology

Module Objective:
To understand how culture influences many different aspects of human thought and behaviour.

attitudes, child-rearing practices, discrimination and prejudice, ethnic and racial identity, gender roles and
norms, family and kinship structures, power dynamics, regional differences, religious beliefs and practices,
rituals, and taboos.


Industrial Training

Module Objective:
To develop skills in the application of theory to practical work situations.

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